
Yustia Wulandari Mirzayanti; Erlinda Ningsih; Agus Budianto; Achmad Chusnun Ni’am; Gati Sri Utami; Meimoon Ibrahim; Ilyas Lamuda; Novita Maulidya Jalal; Ayoeningsih Dyah Woelandhary; Dr. Dian Novita Siswanti; Alo Karyati; Wuriyanti; Akhlis Nur Fu’adi; Hasia Marto; Ruknan; Erliana Novitasari; Agung Lasmono; Dan Zahara; Ratna Indriawati; Ninik Indawati; Khalil Zuhar Mudhaffar; Yakup; Sasmita Rohizah Setiawan; Mohamad Afan Suyanto; Dwi Wahyuni; Elfis Mus Abdul; Deby Rita Karundeng; Ayub Usman Rasid; Anggita Permata Yakup; Atik Krustiyati; Yaries Mahardika Putro; Moh. Rakhmat; Yunita Setyoningrum; Isabella Ishtipraya Andreas




Biomass waste and waste can be an alternative energy sources. Utilization of biomass-derived from waste products of forestry and plantation activities as briquettes. Bagasse biomass waste and dry leaves contain cellulose and lignin, affecting the calorific value. This study aimed to determine the effect of time and power of microwave torrefaction on calorific value, moisture content, and ash content. The method used to make briquettes is the microwave torrefaction method. The research flow consists of drying raw materials, size reduction, and the microwave torrefaction process. The torrefaction process is carried out with natural materials, namely bagasse and dry leaves, put in a microwave at a temperature of 230°C to 280°C in a state without air. The research variable used was Microwave power; 80, 400, and 800 W and torrefaction time; 5, 15, and 25 minutes. According to the result, torrefaction time and microwave power affect briquettes' heating value and characteristics


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February 26, 2022
